I Used LG 42″ C3 4K OLED TV as a Gaming PC Monitor for 3 Months

By in Tech

Since upgrading my workspace with this LG monitor, my daily computing experience has transformed significantly.

Transitioning from a 34-inch curved monitor to a 42-inch flat screen had its initial adjustment period. But its width, almost identical to my previous screen, made the switch easier.

LG C3 Series 42-Inch Class OLED evo 4K Processor Smart TV for Gaming with Magic Remote AI-Powered OLED42C3PUA, 2023 with Alexa Built-in
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Last update on 2024-07-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The real game-changer, however, has been the OLED technology. Prior to this, I had an LG OLED TV, and the stark difference in visual quality became immediately evident. The sharpness and clarity are so superior that it’s been a relief, especially for my eyes.

When it comes to functionality, the monitor has been exceptional for both work and play.

The vast screen allows for efficient multitasking, perfect for when I’m juggling various work tasks or diving into programming. Seeing web pages and video timelines in full glory without the need for excess scaling is a huge help.

Although I had concerns about the size, the monitor’s flush wall fit and adjusted distance from my eyes have provided a comfortable viewing experience.

Gaming, too, has been pleasant. I was able to reduce eye fatigue significantly with this screen, and the bright display lets me enjoy natural light without hindrance.

Despite the common worry about OLED dimming, it’s proven to be a non-issue in my routine use. Any dimming moments are swiftly resolved with simple on-screen interactions.

Key Takeaways

  • The OLED monitor’s clarity and size have improved both work efficiency and the gaming experience.
  • Concerns about the 42-inch size were unfounded due to its fitting wall placement and eye-comfort.
  • Regular use has shown that the OLED’s potential dimming issue is easily manageable and doesn’t affect daily operations.

Evaluating Before Buying a Monitor

Screen Size and Workspace Fit

When choosing a monitor, it’s crucial to ensure the size aligns with your workspace and needs.

Initially, the concern was that a 42-inch screen might be overwhelming, especially when transitioning from a 34-inch curved display. However, the move was justifiable as the width was comparable to my previous monitor, providing ample screen real estate without excessive physical width expansion.

Adjusting to a Flat Screen

Adapting to a flat screen from a curved one requires a period of adjustment. The direct-viewing experience feels broader without the curve, and while the change was notable, the merits of a flat OLED screen with exceptional visual quality became quickly apparent. The adjustment panned out beneficially for both work and entertainment.

Consideration Factors:

  • Monitor Size:

    • Ensure compatibility with the workspace
    • Compare to previous monitor dimensions
  • Form Factor:

    • Ready yourself for a transition phase
    • Flat versus curved screen preferences

Using a sizeable 42-inch display has its advantages for multitasking work, such as side-by-side window management and web programming where screen height is maximized.

While some may prefer smaller screens for higher pixel density without scaling, the larger size eliminates the need for scaling. It also provides a comfortable viewing experience for refined tasks like video editing, presenting more timeline at a glance.

Workspace Ergonomics:

  • Task Management:

    Task Type Screen Utilization
    Programming Full Height Editing
    Video Editing Extensive Timeline View
  • Visual Comfort:

    • Adjusting monitor distance for eye comfort
    • Consider changing seating position for gaming sessions

One might assume that a larger display causes more eye strain, yet this hasn’t been the case. Since switching to the current monitor setup, I’ve experienced less eye dryness even with prolonged use, which might also be due to the screen’s brightness allowing for more natural light in the workspace.

Gaming is another aspect where expectations might differ. A 120Hz refresh rate suffices for my use with games like Fortnite.

It’s not about chasing the highest refresh rates but more about enjoying the expansive screen space. My graphics card, an RTX 4070 TI, handles 4K gaming seamlessly, reinforcing that high performance and enjoyable gaming don’t always necessitate the highest specifications.

When discussing the financial aspect, it’s essential to mention that I purchased this monitor without any sponsorship.

The investment was significant, especially since OLED technology tends to be pricey. However, acquiring it during a sale made it more accessible.

It’s imperative to consider your budget if you’re contemplating a similar purchase at full price.

Visual Experience

The Implications of OLED Technology on Viewing

The shift to this particular LG monitor brought about a noticeable change in my visual experience, especially when comparing it to my previous non-OLED screens.

My initial concern was whether 42 inches would be too expansive, as I was upgrading from a 34-inch wide curved screen. The new screen’s width is comparable, though the absence of curvature necessitated a slight period of adjustment.

However, the distinction in display quality became immediately apparent. The OLED technology brought a stark enhancement in terms of vibrancy and clarity—transforming my time spent in front of the screen from a visually taxing endeavor to a pleasurable viewing session.

Screen Evolution: My Previous Setups Versus Current Display

Moving from conventional monitors to an OLED display marked a significant transition in my visual engagement with the content.

Previously, I have understood the progression of display technology and how new screens might offer a different experience, but it wasn’t until I replaced my earlier LG OLED TV in the living room with this current monitor that I genuinely appreciated the advancement.

In my typical use, dominated by work tasks, and occasional gaming sessions – primarily Fortnite – the capabilities of this monitor became evident, particularly when considering the lack of requirement for scaling despite its 4K resolution, thanks to its larger size.

Navigating Color Depth and Illumination

The monitor’s impressive rendering of colors and control over brightness settings has been instrumental in my focus on detail-rich tasks such as programming and video editing.

Working on full-screen height, observing fine details in web design, or sprawling timelines in video editing projects became more intuitive due to the expansive display estate.

It’s almost akin to having four screens merged into one without the interruption of bezels.

The handling of brightness, too, has been intuitive.

Even in environments with substantial ambient light – especially with a large window nearby – the display holds its own, remaining clearly visible and vibrant.

Despite concerns over OLED panels’ tendency for brightness dimming under certain static conditions, in practice, it hasn’t detracted from my user experience. Moments when dimming occurs are quickly remedied with simple screen interactions.

Practical Applications of My Display Usage

Engaging in Interactive Entertainment

While playing games, specifically Fortnite, the expansive 42-inch screen offers ample space, providing an immersive gaming experience without the need for scaling.

Even without competitive gaming aspirations, the large display complements gameplay, enhancing enjoyment and performance.

Streamlining Professional Duties

For work-related tasks, spending significant time, often 8 hours a day, a couple of days a week, this display generously accommodates various applications and documents simultaneously.

Its sheer size allows for a productive multitasking environment, where everything is visibly accessible, eliminating the need for constant window switching.

Crafting Visual Content

Video editing on this display proves to be exceptionally effective, thanks to the ability to view extensive sections of the timeline at once.

This capability offers a detailed overview of the project, streamlining the editing process and increasing productivity and creative control.

Developing Software and Websites

While programming or managing website development, utilizing the OLED display to its full vertical capacity allows for code and web pages to be viewed extensively.

This advantage simplifies debugging and design tasks, making for an efficient development workflow.

  • Work View:

    • Task Management: Side-by-side window mode for simultaneous applications.
    • Resolution: Full utilization of 4K resolution without scaling, making text crisp and easy to read.
  • Gaming View:

    • Distance: Play from a comfortable distance to reduce eye strain.
    • Brightness: The OLED’s brightness enables daylight use without compromising visibility.
  • Development View:

    • Full Height: Ideal for seeing more lines of code or content.
    • Timeline: Suitable for extended timeline viewing in video editing.

Optimal Viewing Arrangement

Positioning My Display

When I switched to a 42-inch display, I initially had concerns about the size, thinking it could be overwhelming. My previous screen was a 34-inch curved monitor, and although this new one was roughly the same width, it required some adjustment as it does not curve.

Despite my reservations, the size proved to be suitable for work and gaming, offering an extensive view without the need for multiple monitors.

Organizing My Workspace

For productivity, the large screen real estate has been invaluable.

With the display’s generous size, I don’t use any scaling in Windows, ensuring crisp text and clear visuals at 4K resolution.

This proves especially advantageous when I’m programming or editing websites—utilizing the full screen height—and when editing videos, allowing me to view a vast timeline expanse.

While working, I position the display flush against the wall which places it at a comfortable distance from my eyes.

Moreover, my gaming setup is fine-tuned for comfort.

I move further back from the screen during gaming sessions, which helps to reduce eye strain—a problem I faced with previous monitors.

Thanks to the display’s vibrant picture quality and proper brightness, I can work in a well-lit room without constantly having to draw the curtains, enhancing the room’s ambiance and reducing fatigue.

Concerning display care, I haven’t encountered persistent issues.

While there is a dimming feature that adjusts the brightness after periods of inactivity, it’s hardly noticeable during dynamic scenes or typical usage. Should the screen dim, a quick shake of the mouse restores brightness.

With a refresh rate of 120Hz, the display meets all my requirements for both leisure gaming and content creation, as I do not participate in highly competitive gaming that would necessitate a higher refresh rate.

From a cost perspective, I gauged the value carefully before purchase.

Although these OLED panels can be pricey, around $1,800 normally, I secured mine for about $950.

I believe it’s crucial to consider the investment relative to the actual use and benefit; for me, the display has been a significant upgrade that justifies the cost, particularly given the amount of time I spend using it for work and gaming.

Workplace Comfort and Visual Health

Minimizing Visual Fatigue

Having transitioned from a curved 34-inch monitor to a flat 42-inch display, I initially had reservations about the size increase. However, the transition has been beneficial.

My previous concerns about the larger screen causing eye strain were unfounded. In fact, switching to the OLED display has mitigated the eye discomfort I experienced with my former monitor.

When I worked on my previous display, my contact lenses would often dry out, causing significant discomfort. Since using this new monitor, that issue has ceased.

Here are some practices I incorporate to further reduce eye strain:

  • Ensure to blink regularly to keep my eyes hydrated.
  • Position the monitor at a comfortable viewing distance, which for me is slightly further back than my previous screen setup.
  • Take periodic breaks to shift focus from the screen and allow my eyes to rest.

Calibration of Display Brightness to Ambient Light

The OLED panel’s brightness is a significant asset, particularly in well-lit environments.

Previously, I had to keep the curtains drawn to maintain visibility on screen. With the new monitor, I can comfortably work with natural light flooding in.

This harmonious balance between the monitor’s brightness and daylight enhances my productivity and reduces the need for artificial lighting.

Visual Display Dimensions and Clarity

Upgrading from a 34-inch wide curved screen, the sheer size of a 42-inch display initially presented a challenge. However, the transition was smoother than anticipated.

The 42-inch display matched the width of my former monitor, with the main difference being the lack of curvature. The straight view took some adjusting, but the benefits soon became apparent.

Residing closer to the wall, its distance from my face is optimized, enhancing the viewing experience without any need for text scaling, thanks to its large size.

Importance of Screen Refresh Rate

The monitor’s refresh rate is capped at 120Hz. While higher refresh rates are available on the market, the current rate suffices for my use.

My time on the computer is predominantly for work; however, when I do indulge in gaming, I am not seeking a competitive edge that might require a 360Hz display. Instead, I value the ample screen real estate which allows for a comprehensive view of timelines while video editing and provides ample space for multitasking.

Graphics Rendering Performance

Equipped with an RTX 4070 TI, the performance handling 4K resolution is impeccable. Whether it’s everyday tasks or leisure activities like gaming, I have encountered no issues.

This graphics card smoothly renders every game I’ve played during my two to three months of usage. The concern for performance is nullified as the quality and smooth rendering complement the expansive and vibrant OLED display.

  • RTX 4070 TI performance at 4K:
    • Fortnite: Smooth gameplay, visually impressive.
    • Video Editing: Timeline clarity enhanced by high resolution.
    • General Work: No performance drops; efficient multitasking.

Display Maintenance and Performance

Maintaining an OLED Display

After using an LG OLED as a primary computer monitor for some time, I’ve learned that these screens don’t require the same kind of spatial accommodation as wide curved monitors.

Despite initial concerns about a 42-inch screen being too large compared to my previous 34-inch display, the flatness of the OLED allows for a comfortable viewing distance with the monitor mounted flush against the wall.

One of my key observations is the remarkable difference in visual quality between an LG OLED and conventional screens. I noticed a significant improvement in my experience when switching from a non-OLED monitor, a transition that was almost like cleansing my vision.

The OLED’s vibrancy and clarity have been particularly beneficial for work. I spend the majority of my time – around 90% – on work-related tasks and appreciate the monitor’s screen real estate, which negates the need for scaling in Windows.

This is advantageous when programming or editing web pages and videos, as everything is displayed crisply without any magnification.

As for eye comfort, since I’ve begun using this OLED monitor, I’ve had fewer instances of eye strain and dry contact lenses, which I previously suffered from with my old monitor.

I attribute this improvement to the OLED’s brightness, which allows for more natural light in my workspace without needing to draw the curtains.

Handling Dimming Behavior

The OLED technology includes a feature presumably for panel care which slightly shifts pixels to prevent image retention. It’s a subtle process, but occasionally it causes a slight inconvenience with screen elements like the address bar or the active window indicator moving out of their usual positions.

Regarding automatic dimming, it’s not a persistent issue during active use, like when I’m engaged with tasks or playing a game such as Fortnite.

The dimming typically occurs only during periods of inactivity, for instance, when stepping away for a coffee. A quick shake of the mouse or a window revitalizes the screen brightness.

Solutions are straightforward for these dimming scenarios – an active screen is enough to keep the display at its optimal brightness.

With a 120 Hz refresh rate, which suffices for both my professional tasks and leisure gaming activities, the performance is consistently smooth, further confirming my satisfaction with this model.

Cost and Perceived Value

Evaluating the Full Price

I purchased the monitor around the Black Friday sales of 2023, where I managed to secure it for nearly half of its regular price.

Based on my calculations, the usual retail price is approximately $1,800, but I was able to buy it for around $950.

While the high initial cost can be a deterrent, the significant discount I received made the purchase justifiable.

Individual Purchase Versus Promotional Units

I financed the monitor with my own funds. Many reviews you’ll find are from individuals who have received the product at no cost or as part of a promotional deal with the manufacturer or retailer.

  • My expenditure: Fully paid by me, not furnished by manufacturer.
  • Other reviews: May have received the product for free or at a discounted rate.

It’s crucial to recognize that my assessment might differ from those who didn’t personally incur the expense. This could potentially affect impartiality in one’s opinion of the product’s value.

My name is Simon, and this is my website. I maainly talk about camera gear, but also other stuff i own.

This website is an extension of my YouTube channel called: Simon's Danglish Reviews.

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